You are a new web marketer and just start marketing your new product online , you have joined some good traffic exchanges and showing off your splash or squeeze page there, you have also joined several forums that matching to your niche and writing about your niche with an affiliate code in your sig file. Wait for a moment what do you think? Anybody will join your program through the splash or squeeze page you are surfing at TE! Alternatively, after seeing your post at forum anybody admired with it and purchase what ever you are selling, put yourself in web surfer or a forum visitor shoe, will you purchase that product? The answer that will suddenly come in your mind is a big no, "why should I purchase or join the program? It might be another scam like several others I've purchased in past".
Then what will be a good strategy that will bring me out of darkness? My answer to this question is "do not sell online just help others", now you are definitely thinking "haa! It’s another big joke "I am joined the business to fill my pocket with bucks or cash and not for donations". Well if you are surfing at your TE and see several other splash pages that offering you their products of paid to click programs and home based business programs. Simultaneously you also upload the same program in your splash page then this will be the wrong choice, think again if you are a computer merchant and selling computers of different brands at your shop and someone come to your shop and offering the same brand of computer to you then will you purchase from him? No! Because you are already selling the same thing, the same idea would be applied in online business, trying to understand your audience that who is he? It is better before uploading your product to any traffic exchange that you first surf some number of pages of that TE first and understand the audience of that TE by surfing some pages. If you see lots of home based business programs then the surfers who upload these pages are web marketers and they will never be interested in another home based business program. If you choose to surf any home based opportunity in that TE then it’s a waste of time. Instead if you choose any product that will helpful for a web marketer then their will be vital chances that any web marketer click the link and buy your product. Your product for that TE will be a good auto responder, a bulk email list or a list of forums that have good traffic. On the other hand, forums and message boards are a good place to market your product but wait do not directly show off your link. After joining the forum read several posts of that forum first at least 10 posts or if number of posts are more than 100 then its better to read at least 20 to 30 posts and after that if you have any opinion regarding the topic just write down that first. Believe me this will leave a good impression to the forums' members and on admin too and then gradually you can drive members' attention towards your product.
That is what I called helping others, before uploading your product to traffic exchanges surf at least 20 to 50 pages, understand the audience, go to your affiliate program site choose the product unlock the hop link and then upload it to traffic exchange. Before marketing your product on forums read topics and posts, make your self familiar with the topic write down your opinion and the start marketing.
I am always giving away to my visitors and to newbie some free products that will help them to become successful in this business, below is a list of forums that have good traffic and if you spend some time there then chances are vital that you can earn some commission by marketing your product there.
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